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Showing posts from 2013

Inspiration: Full of Eyes (aka ActionJones) artwork

" Idolatry " by Full of Eyes (aka Action Jones ) Floated across more of ActionJones' artwork today and found that he has created a powerful Gospel Tract . If you haven't checked it out, you should take a few minutes to look at it. Not only is the message powerful ( just like his animated videos), but it's got some great artwork in it.

Deviantart Minion contest

"A Snow-Minion Stole My Clothes" Despicable Me digital fan art by yours truly had a contest - wish I'd seen the contest earlier because I had to rush this one along to make deadline. Challenge was to show minions in an original "situation." I have been wanting to do a snowman digital sketch like I do every year and decided to combine the challenge with my desire to draw a snowman. The rascally minions are such that I suddenly realized that it would be funny to have one of them make a snow-minion using his own clothing.

Chickadee paiting by Carol

Cautious Chickadee by Carol Marine Carol Marine does beautiful paintings. I've been following her work for a few months now and am always awed by her color choices and the freedom of her brush work. I've always suffered from a tendency to make everything I do kind of tight but I've always admired these kinds of works.

Hue Testing

Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test Evey once in a while I wonder if I'm seeing things - I mean, seeing colors in their correct hue. Well, I took the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test at Pantone this evening and got a perfect score. Yipee!

Vector Freebie - Nativity

Jen's Nativity Vector - a freebie by yours truly available at I drew this last year in Illustrator for use in an event logo. I've made it available as a freebie at creation swap. Download my free Nativity vector . There are no copyright issues to worry about since this is from a sketch I did - it's free for personal and commercial use. If you do use it, I'd love to see it.

Faux Beach Party for One

Sand, Shoes & Hat on the Faux Beach - JFleming 2013 A few weeks ago I went to Orange Beach - it was a great trip. I haven't laughed like that in ages, nor have I enjoyed a vacation quite as much as I did that one. Anyway, on the last day of the trip, I got some plastic containers so I could take home some of the sand with me. I know this is a little strange, but I wanted the sand so I could put my feet in it when I was wanting to go back to the beach. If I worked in a different environment, I'd probably take the sand containers with me to work and put my feet in them while I'm there, but as it is, I've been putting my feet in the containers while I'm at home. Originally, I thought I'd make a sand box for that purpose, but having the sand be in containers that I can actually lift is nice too. It's been great to immerse myself in that faux beach by putting my feet in the sand. Those dollar store containers are just big enough for a foot to wriggle ar

Paint & Pour Swamp Scene

Swamp Scene I did at Joy Petty's shop , Nov 16, 2013 (acrylic on canvas) This is an acrylic painting I did at a paint and pour party last weekend. We gathered here in town for a birthday celebration and had a blast. I enjoyed doing this, though it isn't gonna make the cut - I mean, it isn't exactly wall-worthy. We used five colors and three cheap brushes... it was a challenge to make it look decent - though I thought the sample that included a blue tree instead of brown one was slightly nicer... that and my horizon line of trees look very different than everyone else's trees because I made them look super close to the viewer. AND the pelican doesn't look like a pelican. Anyway, this is about as good as it gets for something that was done in less than two hours under those circumstances. And I'm sure you can tell that I'm not the best photographer - ha. I'd definitely do this again. I had forgotten how much fun doing art in a group setting is. I

Stocking #2

Here's the second stocking - not the second one I've done this year - just the second one that I had to get done before December. I've got a basket full of new ones I could start on but I think I'm going to do something else for a while.

Stocking Kit Madness

Nativity Bucilla Stocking kit stitched by yours truly The last several Novembers have found me frantically stitching up a felt stocking kit or two. In the last five to seven years I have put together stockings for all of our new family members, made one or two stockings for gifts and made one or two stockings for a friend's family. This year I've only got two to complete - pictured above is the first of the two. It's for a friend's family and I wish I had another one for ours since it is so nice. The second one has a Santa with the "hickory-dickory-dock" clock. It still lacks about three hours of work...

Photo Booth Fun

Mom and I being goofy in the photo booth - We were laughing so hard that I'm surprised they're in focus at all.

Gimme Your Sandwich!

"Gimme Your Sandwich!" says Obama... This is so terribly accurate...

Shake - funny pups

Dax / Boxer / Courtesy Carli Davidson & Harper Collins (by way of Colossal ) If you have about three minutes, this is worth watching. It sure made me smile.

Evolution vs. God

This video was surprising. I like how it was calm - no one getting angry, although everyone seemed to be firmly entrenched in their own belief systems. There's a clear presentation of evidence, or lack thereof, all done in a respectful way that would make any thinking person stop to examine what and why they believe what they do. I know it's a long video at almost 40 minutes, but it's worth the time investment.

Font Favorites

These are the fonts I like at the moment. Some of them I'm chomping at the bit to use, but since they're a little out there, I'm going to have to wait for the "right" kind of design to place them into. Most of these are available at or on one of the other free font sites that I have a tendency to haunt when I'm looking for a way to spice up a boring design. My top favorites are Exo , Ash , Credit Valley , Great Vibes and Crixus . I get to use those on various things pretty often.

Adventures in Sewing: More Stockings

Here is a line-up of some of the simple Christmas stockings I made this past weekend. At church they're needing some stockings for a mission trip they're taking in October and since I can't go I thought I'd contribute this way. My favorite ones were the ones with the red polka dot patterns on them. I only had green ribbon for the hangers, but I think they look alright. The one with the penguin pattern is from a pair of old sleeping pants I got from a friend a while back (never did fit me, she's so skinny) and think I've put them to good use making a few stockings out of them. If you want to make some stockings too, let me know - I can get details and a pattern for you. They're being sent to Mission, TX with our mission team.

Colorizing Reunion

Found this sketch of Jacob and Esau by while I was doing research for a sermon title slide a month or so ago. The reference for the sermon was going to be the reuniting of Jacob and Esau after Jacob had swindled his older brother out of the birthright and ran off. I downloaded a copy of the black and white sketch of this scene for inspiration - inspiration of the kind of emotional quality I was hoping to achieve with the slide. The actual sermon slide ended up being some visual pun about burying the hatchet. The sketch sat on my desktop for a week or so before I felt compelled to colorize it. I wish I was better at the whole light source thing. I tend to ignore the light sources when I'm coloring and tend to color whatever part however I feel like coloring it. I'm sure if I started keeping that more at the forefront of my mind, the end products would be better overall. Anyway, I enjoyed working on this. I've posted it on my deviant art pa

Little Break In

Yep, that's a broken shed door lock. I cut grass over the long weekend and when I went around to the shed to get out my mower I realized I didn't need a key to get in. Someone had pried the lock. Thankfully nothing seemed to be missing or tampered with, but I keep thinking that they just pried the lock in preparation to come back and clean the shed out. Now I'm going to have to replace the lock doohickey and for good measure. I think I'm going to board up the cute little shed window - board it on the inside, cause it's so cute. Should anyone decide they're going to knock the window in, well, I guess I'll board it on the outside then. I've got to go to the hardware store to get something to replace this broken one with. Every night I've been praying that God scares the culprits into staying away, at least until I can manage to get the lock system replaced/upgraded. I almost hope it was just some juvenile kids instead of some of the other malconte

Life In a Bottle - Erik Johansson

Screen Shot from the video Erik Johansson's work has always surprised me with its complexity, beauty and mostly for the thought process behind the images themselves. Check out the inspiring video above if you're short on creative juices. It got mine flowing.

Making Elbow Room

This is the end result. You can tell where I added, but to the untrained eye it won't be noticeable. It has become common place for me to "add" bits and pieces to photographs of people when I'm not granted the opportunity to take my own photo. If I can't find a replacement part online within the first few minutes of searching (because it is difficult to find a photograph that has the body part I'm looking for photographed at just the right angle, and/or if the angle is right, in a usable resolution) I often end up "painting in" whatever bit or piece that I need to make the composition work for me. The reason I'm thinking about this right now is that I did a baptism slide this week and I had to add an elbow. Since the slide isn't closely scrutinized (and is projected), I didn't concern myself with adding the perfect amount of noise to the painted part (if this was for print I would've been a bit more careful), but I started to t

No Pink? I'm devastated

Ok - so as I was doing some personal research I came across a video about color theory that blew my mind. It's worth watching not only because it's cute (and isn't trying to sell you anything at the end of the video) but because it sounds plausible. What do you think? Is there pink light?

My Whimsical Granny - sketch

Color pencils on butcher paper - approx. 8"x10" - July 2013 I'm so out of practice that it's embarrassing. I didn't even get close to catching her likeness. I fudged on the hand, didn't do a nose - just erased the first few attempts. Didn't help that the source photo was blurry. Anyway, this is my maternal grandmother - probably somewhere in her 40s. Mom said that she was asked who told her mom to get into the wheel barrow and she said that it's likely that she got in there herself - she was just that kind of person. I will forever remember her as the woman who beat me at checkers without the least bit of mercy (her toothless mouth laughing as she relished the victory), loved Campbell's cream of mushroom soup and knew just about everything there was to know about quilting.

Box Castle

My parents just purchased a new clothes washer and dryer. They kept the boxes thinking that maybe their grandchildren would play in them. I was looking for something to do and was talking with Mom about it and so I decided to fix the boxes up so the kids can play in them. I would've reinforced the seams with some duct tape or something so that they'd last longer, but Mom said it's probably going to be one of those things where they play with the box once or twice and then it goes to the recycle bin, so I didn't reinforce it. I didn't decorate them either since I figure they'll have a really short shelf life.   Photographs are below. Sorry for the picture orientation being off. Since I'm working on my parent's machine I wasn't able to get the photographs to import correctly for some reason. They're turned in the folder preview. I turned and resized/resaved the original files so I could post them, and I even renamed them, but they're impor

Sermon Title Slides - June 2013

We're still in "The Patriarchs" sermon series. Here are the last four sermon slides I've labored over. Sometimes I wish there was an onsite art director - someone, anyone with a basic idea of what they want from these slides. I've made some basic decisions about what I want to see in every slide for this series (the optical flare for one) to add some continuity, but I wonder sometimes if I had someone dictating what they wanted to see if it would help me with the amount of time I spend researching and developing a visual concept. Then other times I'm glad that I don't have to accommodate too much design direction - yeah, I want my cake and to eat it too. Had no idea where to start with this one. Spent at least four hours searching for ideas then another two finding source images that were in the creative commons. Collage was created by manipulating four source images. I also utilized some great lightning brushes I found a while back. I studied the way

Sketch on Cardboard

Pencil and white crayola color pencil on cardboard done during a lunch break this week. It's not perfect, but I've never been perfect... The reference photo from Flickr

Ads for Summer Activities

This week I spent about a day on advertizements for the youth group activities for this summer. I've been behind the eight ball since before the beginning of this month - trying to finish up promotional materials, the monthly newsletter, update the webpage, update the digital sign schedule, etc so I didn't have a long time to work on these and took as many short cuts as I could. I pretty much found "inspiration" and/or pieces online and adapted them to our in-house advertizing purposes through the wonders of photoshop and illustrator. Wish I could say that I had the resources and time to have developed these bits on my own without making use of the creative commons license, but such is the nature of the beast on occasion. If I was in an actual design company, I'd have access to the tools, time, and resources I'd need to do things the way I'd like, but until then... The amazing photo is from a golf poster I saw for Ritz Carlton's golf tourney. I

Adobe Flash Fun

VBS 2013 - created in Adobe Flash CS4 I've been brushing off my Flash skills, because I've been unable to find some ready made animations to use for our digital road sign. We have a strange configuration for the sign so all of the ready made animations get squashed when I try to use them. I got tired of noticing great animations on the rest of the digital signs I've seen in town but static boring stuff on ours and started thinking about what I could do to snazz things up. We got the digital sign in February and now I know what the software that I have to use to program the sign with can (and mostly can't) do, so thanks to a few "free" vector image sites, I can have the basic pieces ready to animate pretty quickly. The hardest part of it all is coming up with the idea and deciding if the 18pitch sign's resolution is going to treat my animation like I want it to. The roller coaster above was a free download.  It specified only non-commercial use in

Student Leadership Shirt Design

This is the stuff I'd been using to promote Student Leadership. The student minister asked for a student leadership shirt for his kids. I had been using an optical flare and some shiny metallic text to promote it and he said that's the look he wanted for the shirt, but I didn't believe it would translate well - besides it would cost a pretty penny. Here's the whole shirt design After a few shots in the dark and showing him several samples of shirt designs I found online, he said he liked the idea of words building words and gave me a concept to run with. Once I got into the thick of things, I realized that I am not good at fitting words within a letter shaped container. The sample I was studying looked so much nicer and oh, so much more refined than mine ended up looking like - that's probably because that designer started with only five letter shapes to fill with synonyms. Anyway, I did finally come to a point where I decided the artwork was "done,

Colossal Coaster World VBS

Here's the final sketch with some color pencil magic. I've been working on stuff for this year's VBS today. You should see my face. I took a look in the mirror and I had pencil smudges all over the place. Anyway, you're probably looking at that mess I've been slaving over. I used the visitor map sample that came in the supply package and pulled some bits and pieces from it to make something that fit our building and class layout. The perspective is wacked on my version since I just dropped things into the layout without much thought other than the standard "that will be there." I don't think the layout suffered too much from the multiple perspectives. It's just a fun sketch of things. I changed several bits and pieces from sketch to final before sending them the sketch they could use on the board and once that was finally done, I put some color pencils to work on a print out of the corrected clean sketch so they'd have some color sugges

Criticism, from one who knows

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” - Teddy Roosevelt

Summer Day Camp Shirts

Every year I've been designing the summer camp shirts for the day camps that they do here at work. There are usually four or five camps each year that I get to design for around this time. I did all of those mascot lightbulb things and we were planning to use those for the shirts but when all was said and done, those shirts were too busy and didn't really look great in one or two colors. So, we went back to the drawing board, scratched our heads a little and the children's minister said he wanted to go simple. Here are two samples of the end results. My favorite by far is the cooking camp design. I'm not sure how many kids will appreciate it but the children's minister and his wife thought they were great. Basketball Camp shirt design 2013 Cooking Camp apron design 2013