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Showing posts from October, 2017

Design Foolishness: Spec work

I have to admit I laughed crazy hard at this video when I saw it the first time and had just about the same reaction to it when I just re-watched it. Why, as designers and creatives, do we not value our time (the building blocks of our lives)? Why don't I value the creative talent and ability God's given? There's no way I would ask anyone to offer their services for free but I'm asked on a regular basis to do design for free or for crazy low rates. When will I do better? #saynotospec   Then there's this guy: Chris Do... talk about a person who knows how to think/talk/reason. Wish I could do that on the fly.

Curse of Royalty Book One: Releasing Soon!

"Drayden's Queen," Book One in the Curse of Royalty Series by JA Fleming releases on Black Friday!!! Hi guys, I know some of you have been asking when the book is coming out. I finally have an answer. Drum roll, please. Curse of Royalty Book One will be released this November, just in time for Black Friday. If you're curious, visit smashwords today for a free sample . Don't wanna wait? Want a copy before the official release? I'm randomly giving away 10 pre-release copies of the e-book between now and the release date. Check out facebook during the week leading up to the release. I'm looking forward to this adventure and hope you are too. JAF [Prefer to purchase the ebook via Amazon? That option is coming.]