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Ads for Summer Activities

This week I spent about a day on advertizements for the youth group activities for this summer. I've been behind the eight ball since before the beginning of this month - trying to finish up promotional materials, the monthly newsletter, update the webpage, update the digital sign schedule, etc so I didn't have a long time to work on these and took as many short cuts as I could. I pretty much found "inspiration" and/or pieces online and adapted them to our in-house advertizing purposes through the wonders of photoshop and illustrator. Wish I could say that I had the resources and time to have developed these bits on my own without making use of the creative commons license, but such is the nature of the beast on occasion. If I was in an actual design company, I'd have access to the tools, time, and resources I'd need to do things the way I'd like, but until then...

The amazing photo is from a golf poster I saw for Ritz Carlton's golf tourney.
I'm not sure where the photograph originated, but I can say
that I love the ingenuity of it. That shot was the only one of its kind
in the image searches I did that day.

This one was inspired by an image I found but created from scratch in photoshop.
I always think 80s when they start talking laser tag. Donno why, exactly...

The movie sign is a photoshop template I added text to. I studied
several images of those back-lit movie signs to figure out what filters and layer styles to
use on the text. Don't remember where I found the background I am using a clip of in this.
It's probably from one of those free desktop image sites - Supurb* wallpapers, I think.

The nice "Open Mic Night" logo is something I adapted then added a
background using some bokeh brushes and such.

Not much originality here either, although I created the logo in illustrator.
It's adapted from a NCAA logo for our in-house promotion.


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