Obama puts together "his" constitution. |
Yeah, you probably know what I'm going to say before I say it, but the current president and nearly all of the "leaders" in Washington are embarrassing. No wonder they refer to the president as "Mr. Obama" instead of "President Obama" even in the liberal media. How can a country be respected if the head of that country is rotten? It generally follows that if the head is rotten the body is polluted as well.
Lies on the campaign trail before the last election... we should've known. |
Obama's lies have become so blatant that it's obvious he just says what he wants to regardless of his situation. The lies seem so ridiculous that I can't imagine anyone being deluded enough to believe the drivel he spews. (Do I need to give examples? I'm sure you've got several that come to the forefront of your mind just from the last 24 hours of news coverage.) I am no longer of the opinion that he just doesn't know better. I am nearly certain that he is purposely doing all these things - stating opinion as if it were fact, tearing down the economy, driving up national debt, standing in the way of legislative progress then blaming the hold up on the Republicans, warring against oil/coal, purposely bringing shame upon the office to which he was elected - tearing down what's left of the foundations of this once great country... need I go on? He has brought "change" as promised - none of which has been positive for the general tax-paying public.
More lies - after election and during the healthcare battle. |
No one alive can say that the president doesn't bold face lie to the public. Even when the truth is obvious, even when the truth would suit his purpose better, he'd rather spread a lie! There is no way I am the only person who has noticed. Is no one else able to differentiate "opinions" from "facts" any longer? I know it's getting harder to do so when media outlets spout opinion as fact - but they're doing what they were taught. I mean, in school, was not evolution (an unsupported hypothesis) taught as fact even when there is more evidence to support intelligent design (aka "creation")?
"Who needs Congress" is right - Obama acts like he's a one man show all the time. |
Anyhoo, back on subject: I was appalled to find that Obama had been elected the first time (mostly because it was obvious who and what he was then), but I pray and hope that he doesn't get elected again this November (mostly because seeing what he's done these last few years, I know that without any accountability (since he can't be re-elected again) he will be cause even more unconscionable damage). Let's disregard future legislation and the damage he could do there in the next four years, let's just take into account that the next president will be the one to appoint 2 or 3 Supreme Court judges who will serve for the next 25-30 years. If the appointees are skewed in their perspectives, activist judges (or maybe I should say, "people unwilling to acknowledge what they know to be true") then I doubt our society will be able to come back from what those judges will do. (Imagine the socialist agenda spread far and wide - we're going to be another Greece in a few very short years.) The damage will be irreparable. But those aren't the only important positions that will be appointed by the next president!
If you're of voting age - please register and go vote! Registration is easy - most states allow you to do it online. I know this state does. And, most voting districts have early voting for a minimum of 7 days in the few weeks preceding an election date (in my district, it's from Saturday to Saturday, sans Sunday) - meaning if you can't make it to the polls for election day this November, you should be able to make it to the polls during one of those early voting days prior to that date - or you should be able to get a printed mail-in voters card from online. Please vote - it's important. It's important for the near future and it's important for the future of your children/grandchildren. I'll say again, please vote.
Ok, so back on track... When I get all worked up about how terrible our leadership is in the USA, I have to take a few steps back and look at society - the society that bred the people in leadership positions, the society of individuals who blindly voted to put those leaders into office because they wanted to continue to receive their welfare checks or their stimulus money or get their agenda pushed further, or who wanted to have the ability to kill their children for the sake of convenience or... I shouldn't go on. This society is sick. Look at our advertising, at our sleazy entertainment choices, at our actions (when was the last time you could literally take someone's word and a handshake for truth?) and our personal perversions. Let's not even get into how those same things are evident in the church too!
In our current society, we've allowed the homosexual agenda to be openly expressed on the airwaves, in our churches, in our public places - now the general public believes that the homosexual population is much larger than it is. Truth is "the 2000 U.S. Census Bureau found that homosexual couples constitute less than 1% of American households." And, "the Family Research Report says 'around 2-3% of men, and 2% of women, are homosexual or bisexual.'" From a different source dated 4-7-11, only "1.7 percent of the 18-and-over population" is homosexual or bisexual.
How then does the general population of the US believe that the percentage is higher? I mean, ask the average 18 year old how much of the American population does he/she think is homosexual/bisexual/transgendered and they will estimate it around 25-30%!
Why is that?
Well, duh!
While he thought the microphone was off, Obama promised Russia he'd have more flexibility |
I mean, check out this article (click here). You'll see that the percent of homosexual characters has gone down from 3.9% in 2010 to 2.9% in 2011 according to GLAAD and the fact that for two years running the ABC show "Modern Family" has won an Emmy for best comedy is more a reflection of Hollywood's opinion than of the general public. And if it is truly the opinion of the general public that homosexuality is fine, then why is it that every time they are offered the opportunity to vote on the definition of marriage, that they vote that marriage is between one man and one woman across the board? But if the homosexual left gets their way (("I think we're going to see more and more gay characters on both cable and network TV as time goes on," said Herndon Graddick, GLAAD's senior director of programs.)) then those same 18 year old kids you asked what percent of society is homosexual will tell you that being homosexual or bisexual or transgender is "normal" and that those people were "made" that way and that homosexuals have no choice in the matter. What a monstrous lie that is! If you were to ask a person who has homosexual desires if he or she would like for those compulsions to be erased from their mind... well, at least the friend I asked, stated that they would jump at the opportunity to be free of those desires. That friend, though outwardly an activist for the lifestyle, would prefer to be on the other side of the fence! I have not been able to help as much as I would like, their personality is rather spiky, but I want them to know that regardless of what they choose, I love them, but cannot support their lifestyle choice. Exodus International is one group who walks alongside homosexual/transgender people and helps work thorough the lies and the emotional scars to uncover truth.
Anyway, enough about my friend. Truth remains that not only is homosexuality "wrong" and not only is it a perversion of nature at its very core, homosexuality destroys societies and is a dangerous lifestyle choice to boot. The reason I say that homosexuality is a perversion of nature is that there is no "natural" way for two men to procreate, nor is it possible for two women to procreate - if the percentage is as high as the general population has been led to believe, then our species would very likely have ceased to exist. I mean, with no babies, there is no propagation of the species. That's just the basic reason I know homosexuality is a perversion of nature. As for the homosexual lifestyle being dangerous - don't take my word for it, check out the statistics. If you disregard the emotional distress such a lifestyle takes on a person, and simply look at the physical dangers it's still scary. (Click here for just one article about the dangers of homosexual activity. Or click here for another. Or here for another.) I mean, one specific danger is the prevalence of STDs within the homosexual community - it is staggering - mind-boggling really. With the amount of information that's made available about the homosexual lifestyle it surprises me that anyone chooses that for themselves. The media doesn't let a middle school child know that the homosexual lifestyle is bad for them, they encourage the child to become homosexual. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if in about 30 years, if a child hasn't declared him/herself to be (at the very least) bi-sexual by the time he or she is 15, that child will consider him/herself unusual and outside the norm. If you're the least bit interested in doing some of your own research, the Barna Group is a reliable source for statistics - about attitudes, about lots of things, not just the subject I've been rhapsodizing on for the majority of this novella.
Are there no people willing to stand in the gap for what's right anymore? What about those people who have signed the Manhattan Declaration? Are they all "old" evangelical rich white men? I don't think so, but what happens if the community of believers like Chuck Colson who so recently died leave us? Who will step up into their shoes? Is God still with us even though we've been kicking every mention of Him out of our public arenas? I don't understand why after 9-11 that we didn't start understanding that the global climate is different. We can't be so ethnocentric as to believe that what's happening elsewhere in the world doesn't affect us. We are in a global economy now - how else do you explain the stock market going up or down because Greece is in bankruptcy or before that, when Europe decided to band together to create the Euro instead of each country having its own currency? Well, I figure, if Obama gets re-elected, a global government won't be far away and the US won't be the autonomous super-power any longer - he pushes for us to sign that UN thing that Regan wouldn't dream of signing... China or some other country will step into that world power spot - they're the ones everyone is borrowing from right now - if China called in all our debts, we'd be a sunk ship right now (again, don't take my word for it, do some research to determine if I'm telling the truth).
*sigh* I'm glad no one reads these posts...
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