So a few weeks ago my brother in law loaned me his copies of the books by S. Collins. Being an avid fan of Ted Dekker's Circle Trilogy and having heard from a friend that she couldn't read these books fast enough, I started reading the first book. I barely slept or ate. I was so enthralled... well, that's probably too strong a word because the books scared me. With the themes, the bloodshed and such the books would easily rate at the R level in my book. There was no open promiscuity, but the gory nature of the hunger games and the ages of the children involved in them... appalling, spellbinding. Several of the themes purported in the books made me pause to examine them closer simply because I know them to be wrong views of the world, but I can tell you this, I had a very hard time putting those books down. It's like when you come upon a gruesome car wreck and your eyes are glued to what's going on even though you know you'll have nightmares later about what yo...
Ruminations about being human in a world that expects more...