You know, I got this nice new computer – it runs the best of what the PC community has to offer, but the office Xerox isn’t playing nice. I’ve wasted so much time researching, sending Xerox inquiries and wasted lots of paper and energy trying to figure out why this PC is not working well with the Xerox. It works fine with every other printer in the office, but not with the one I need the most.
I’m running Windows 7 on a 64-bit machine. I’m using publisher, photoshop and other such programs. I had our computer tech guys install the drivers I needed when the new computer got here and then last week I had a Xerox guy come and install another driver to fix something, but I’m still having troubles – different troubles than before.
At this moment, the jobs I’m sending are simply not getting to the printer. I have network and internet access, so I’m not sure why my job isn’t showing up over there. And on top of that, somehow it’s coding a job that would normally be only about 8MB into something that’s more than 2 GB!
I don’t know quite what to do now. It makes me want to call that Xerox guy and have him come back out to figure out what’s going on. It’s like my printer driver is malfunctioning. Sometimes the driver shows up, sometimes it doesn’t. I definitely feel picked on. Short of doing some crazy shock-and-awe on the machine, I need some help and as most people who have to deal with Xerox “help center” know, going to them is a non-starter and a mammoth waste of time. Sure the center reps are nice, and I know they’re told to ask you to do this and that with the printer, but we pay a fee for printer service – why can’t they just send out a rep like we ask without all that yeah-yeah?
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