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Somethin' stinks in Denmark...

Check out this article: Obama's Real Unemployment Rate: 14.7%
And then tell me you don't think something stinks in Denmark... to borrow a phrase from Shakespeare.

That article shines some light on the figures. Specifically how many people of working age are still unemployed, how many people have just come of working age, how many jobs have been created throughout the whole of Obama's reign and other such things that most of the thinking public already know, though we may not have the number data in our heads. We know this because we still have our adult children living under our roofs, or we are those adult children living under our parents roofs regardless of our college educations. We know this because we're having to accept part time jobs (or accept jobs that are, let's face it, "underemployment") because we've given up finding a full time job within our field, or for that matter, within any field - some money is better than no money.

Here's a quote from the article:
In addition, the jobs being created are not replacing the incomes of the jobs being lost. As economist John Lott also reported at on October 3, "Mid-wage occupations accounted for 60% of the jobs lost during the recession, but low-wage occupations accounted for 58% of hiring during the recovery."

Then I have to comment on that so called "question and answer" debate they had last night - what a joke! Why did they have it in that city, where the population doesn't reflect even a hint of the majority of Americans? Had they held that debate just about anywhere but there, we'd have had some "real questions" posed to the candidates, phrased in ways that made more sense. Were those people planted in the crowd and given a script? I wouldn't put it past them. I mean, with Democratic poll monitors to go into depth about how to vote more than once... well... anyway. And another thing, WHY is it that neither of the candidates have spoken about that abomination most of us know as Obama-care?

I know the news outlets keep stating that the economy is on an upturn, however, with unemployment applications still soaring and the new job market still constipated because of all the "new" regulations and Obama-care sitting there watching, waiting, making the job makers uncomfortable..., how can they say the economy is moving forward? How can any economy function without jobs? Am I the only one who sees that the current government structure (senseless regulations, tax structure, etc) is not working?


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