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Flood 2016

Flood Damage 2016Let me just begin by saying how good God's been to me in all of this. He's provided a house that didn't have standing water in it when many of my friends had anywhere from 6" to 6' of water in theirs. My family's homes were unaffected too and if I'd have moved around to figure out what the problem was the last time water got into the house from a rainstorm, I might have escaped this time without damage. My home is on a slanted hill. Water runs from the back of the property to the front and has been getting into the house for goodness knows how long. Wish I knew what to do about it, but am not sure how to start figuring that one out. I'm reluctant to close up the walls before fixing the problem because I don't want to be back in this boat the next time there comes a downpour.

Anyhow, here are a few pictures of the wet baseboards. We tore out drywall from four rooms (five if you count that wonderfully huge closet in the bedroom). Thankfully I have terrazzo flooring through most of the house so I'm not having to replace that. Haven't checked under the floor in the master bedroom - but if that's wet too, it'll need to come out and the flooring replaced.

With my allergies, I've not been staying there. I have family nearby and they've graciously let me stick around for a while. It's a low pressure situation that I'm thankful for although I'm getting to where I want to be back home. I'm sure I could live in my house now that everything's been torn out. It does smell a lot better... and I'm really missing it right about now but I'm waiting to find out if a cousin can come help me fix things back up first, but we'll see how all of that sorts itself out.


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