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Humans are the enemy of the environment? Oh, please!

  You know... I never really gave those environmental activists much thought, but I ran across something today that made me stop and think. Did you know that the environmental groups push a Marxist agenda (like socialism where the government owns all natural resources and the people own nothing - all resources are shared) and believe that the human race is the number one threat to the world today? It blows my mind. I mean, let's put the Marxist stuff aside and just look at the whole "humans are the enemy" thing. Are they serious? Apparently so. With the human population world wide set to implode (see This 2003 Article, or just do a Google search on "population implosion" to get some info) instead of doing what crazy Ehrlich said it would in his book "The Population Bomb" he wrote in the 60s, you'd think they'd back off of all that hype - because that's what it is. It can't be called "truth" by any standard - it's scare-tacit hype nonsense.

  It surprises me when I run across information about how counter-intuitive those groups are. They claim to be helping the environment when in all actuality, they're using that environmental platform to control people's lives and institute Marxism (read "communism"). I mean, who doesn't want clean air and water? Who wouldn't want to "save the whales"? But would the average person (not just average American) get on board with that agenda if we knew going in that we'd be doing those things at the cost of our humanity, at the cost of our freedom, at the cost of our very lives?

  If any of that makes you think - check out Eco-Tyranny. Brian Sussman's books are informative and have pages and pages of references for those amazing critical thinkers who want to check out his source material. He just wrote something on his blog about a 12 year old girl he interviewed last week who is convinced that humans are the "greatest threat confronting mankind". So, yeah, humans have a great propensity for sin and generally speaking don't often choose "to do the right thing", but we're made in God's image and God's made this amazing world for us. It has plenteous resources and the potential for more resources if we actually planted a few things here and there. I can't imagine being 12 years old and having nothing that tells me the truth about who I am, about why I'm here and tells me that I have worth. With these doctrines becoming more and more prevalent in learned circles (particularly in colleges and such) and as they start trickling down into lower education (high schools, middle schools, elementary schools) as they have been, I'm not the least bit surprised to find that kids are having such a crisis of identity. Add America's bent towards relativism that was pushed forward and touted as politically correctness in some circles, and kids will soon be saying "I belong to the 'blank' generation. I believe nothing, I respect nothing, I am nothing." What holds them back from shooting their classmates when they believe that there's nothing special about the human race or that the human race is detrimental to the world?

  Every time I hear what these capitalist-hating groups are doing I scratch my head and wonder if they're serious. I mean, without capitalism, without humans, without defined right and wrong, not only would America be non-existent, their own way of life wouldn't exist either. It's kind of like relativism. People who believe there's no absolute truth spout these things like "well, what may be true for you isn't necessarily true for others" which in itself is a fallacy. I'm not saying everything I believe makes sense, but if everything's relative to an individual's point of view (or emotional view point) then even that statement can't stand. What do we have to hold onto then?

  When I was in college, I had a great crisis of faith. It wasn't that I didn't have faith, it was that the ideas I was exposed to in college pressed my faith and forced me to examine what I truly believed about things. Did I really believe that God was God? Did I really believe that there was a definite right and a definite wrong? Did I believe there was a Heaven and a Hell? Did Jesus really rise from the grave? Was the information I found in the Bible trustworthy enough to provide answers to those questions?

  You know, after years of searching and studying, I can say that the Bible IS a trustworthy source (it's historical, it's fact - the Bible invites thinking people to search it, to comb through it looking for faults that aren't there), God IS the one true God, there IS a defined right and wrong (as defined in the Bible), and there most definitely is a heaven and a hell and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus did rise from the grave all those years ago - nothing else makes sense. Those truths are a rock to cling to when one has been tossed by the sea of relativism. Jesus is the way, the Truth and the life ... the Truth shall set you free...


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