You know, Dove Chocolate gives terrible advice. It's nice to open a piece of chocolate and have a sweet little fortune-cookie-esque comment inside the wrapper, but those comments have gotten progressively worse since they started printing those little things. The Dove chocolate is by far my favorite brand, but I am glad I don't live my life according to the principals they promote. Check this one out: "Forget the rules and play by your heart," it says. Sure, it sounds great, but what terrible advice! I mean, if everyone followed their heart no matter the consequences... All I can do is shake my head. What a relativistic quagmire we've fallen into! This kind of stuff is only part of the reason society has so many ills - no one seems able to locate their self control any more. One guy decides that his heart wants something that isn't his (like his buddy's car) and one woman decides that her best friend's husband floats her boat more than her own husb...
Ruminations about being human in a world that expects more...