Bosses decided I needed an iMac but it's been two months and I'm still having PC to MAC OS pains - mostly in relation to the finder windows. It's been more than a little frustrating not being able to use every file dialog window as I would a typical finder window. That lack of usability is annoying and really slows down my efficiency/organization. Add to it the glitches that Adobe CC has with the Photoshop/Illustrator CC open file dialog window, the gradient swatch window, the save window, etc always opening at a the tiny default size instead of the size I closed it at and I'm pulling out my hair, wondering why I didn't insist on another PC instead of believing getting a MAC was what I needed.
I have to say, though, that the "just deal with it" and "Macs aren't PCs" types of responses I typically get in apple "help" forums aren't useful. Not only so, but I can't help but think those posts were written with an annoying "better than thou" tone, cause obviously, those people are experts and never have trouble with their operating systems doing things they would prefer they didn't. They seem to believe that there is no is room to improve various aspects of the OS. But ok, I get it. There are people who are so in love with their particular operating system, be it Mac or PC, that they feel defensive when speaking to anyone who thinks differently, but it's frustrating to need answers and to find that the "help" forums are so unhelpful. I mean, you spend upwards of $5,000 on a computer you've been told is the best thing since tater tots (when you know you could've gotten more computer for your buck if you'd chosen the other OS - one that has a built in CD drive, one that has a full keyboard, one that has enough USB slots, etc) only to find that the silver bullet is just pretty to look at, is slower than expected, locks up just as often as the other OS, and isn't particularly intuitive with all of it's secret keystrokes and gestures (as cool as some of those are - LOVE the multiple desktops feature!).
I know Apple has to be different than Microsoft... maybe that's more than half the issue. Having worked extensively with both operating systems, I'm not saying that PCs are better - they have issues too, but their OS seems more intuitive and is certainly easier to keep clean since the open file dialog and the save file dialog boxes (all file windows, in fact) make the option of renaming files or even moving files into folders optional before you save/open the file you're looking for. So, in the windows vs finder case, I find the windows (7) option is more powerful and useful since all of the file windows operate in the same way, ultimately providing the user more power in managing their files. The Mac OS X falls on its face in that regard - just can't manage to provide what the user needs/wants - it restricts instead of granting freedom/power to work in a way that is desired without charging for additional apps that edit the OS code... which, honestly, is out of my wheel-house. Unless there is an option to make all file windows as powerful as the finder - is it just another "hidden" jewel that requires a special keystroke sort of thing to make it happen like the backspace/delete and page up/down, etc things on the tiny keyboard?
Another way finder falls flat is the column width. Sure, you can resize all columns to the same width if you hold down the opt key - yeah, but not all of my columns need to stay that wide, just some of them. But if I don't use the opt key when resizing the column, the columns always open at the tiny default width and even resizing them as needed doesn't stick.... Anyway - gotta deal with it cause Macs aren't PCs and I'll grow to love it, right?
UPDATE: It's been about six months since I started using this iMac every day. I'm still annoyed with the OS though I'm getting used to its glitches - still having issues mentioned above in addition to several other annoying things (most of all I hate that I'm often unable to troubleshoot my own problems on this OS even after researching the stated problem), but there are three things I still like very much (but that, unfortunately can't out weigh the negatives the Apple OS creates for my workflow). One: I am still in love with the multiple desktops. I can have a desktop for each program if I need to - that helps me multi task. As large as the screen is, it isn't large enough to have everything I need to work with open at one time. Two: I like the mouse/track pad gestures - mostly, anyway. Sometimes the gestures do things I don't want them to do. I have to be careful to make my fingers stationary - can't press my fingers down more or lift them up precipitously or the windows zoom in or whatever. Three: I like the remote management options where I'm able to remotely access other mac computers on our network - that's a huge time saver but only when our wifi and internet service is functional.
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