It's all over the news today - the nonsense that is the transgender bathroom dictate from the federal government. They've stated that all public schools have to allow boys and girls shower together or they'll pull federal funding. They know that they're declaring war on families and on women with this mandate, but they don't care about people's safety or their right to privacy. All of this stupidity over what is less than one percent of the population.
Not only so, if they pull federal funding, it affects the poorest of the poor - it will take away those free school meals, cause that's what the majority of those federal dollars go to. There is more at stake here than just what they deem a compassionate decision in relation to the transgender community - this is something that puts people in danger. This is something that makes it easy for sexual predators to prey on others. Obviously the government believes that if you don't agree with their dictatorial mandates are, then you're a bigot, you're hateful for wanting to protect your children, your family, and your right to privacy/safety.
I agree with the Texas governor - parents WILL pull their kids out of public schools over this. Home schooling will boom as parents pull out kids from public schools. Private school enrollment will boom too - how will the federal government indoctrinate the next generation if they're in home or private schools?
Here's an article that reveals details and sources - it's where I found the above video - it's a montage of women who've been sexually abused and tells what the transgender bathroom mandate means for her and for other women who have been abused - how these open bathroom/shower/locker room policies makes it super easy for men to hurt women - the video includes a transgender person who believes these policies are harmful.
Children are the ones who are in the highest risk category. I mean, a man decides he's going into the women's bathroom or shower stalls with little girls and women. Biologically, men are stronger than women. Even if all he does is leer at them - they're in harms way - is it ok for a man, regardless of his gender identity, to watch girls/women shower? Even now, in Washington, grown men can watch kids shower whenever they want. How is that ok?
I'm not even speaking from a "Christian" perspective. I'm just saying that from a biological perspective, from a scientific perspective, from a "common sense" perspective; I'm just saying that these sorts of unrealistic requirements being made with the reasoning that "transgenders are not excluded" put 99.7 percent of the population (women/children/men) at risk... it just defies logic!
I understand the compassion, and I know that people will make decisions on their own about their gender identity. I am not speaking to that issue. I am speaking to the issue of the majority of the US population being forced to "approve" of these deviant behaviors, to put themselves and their children/families in compromising and dangerous circumstances - and for what? There's no such thing as gender neutral - you're either biologically male or you are biologically female.
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