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Showing posts from August, 2014

World Art Drop Day - Sep 2!

Jake Parker's idea of the world art drop day sounds like something I'm definitely interested in. I did the crochet heart drop thing and that was fun, but this sounds like even more fun - a scavenger hunt kind of thing. I'm putting it on my calendar  and will be dropping a piece or two of art for this first annual World Art Drop Day on Tue, Sep 2. Keep an eye out...

Youth Ministry Calendar Designing

This year I've simplified the design for the student calendar a great deal - it's been a relief to focus on making cleaner looking designs - though that's not my first inclination. My first inclination has always been to "fill the space" leaving no room for the design to "breathe." Anyway, in the new calendar design I've gone from upwards of 100 layers from last year's Windows 8 and iPad based design to just over 50 for this year's simplified one and that makes things much easier to move around and keep up with. Not to mention that I'm happier with the overall layout when I dump all of those logos in favor of text. Speaking of dumping logos, I think the next thing that needs to be considered is simplifying/consolidating the logos around here - link everything (or almost everything) stylistically to the main logo. It's that age old House of Brands vs Brand House vs Mixed Brand House issue. I know that before I arrived various minis