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Showing posts from June, 2014

DNA Splicing creates Unicorns or the End of Humanity?

If they created a unicorn, would it be cute or scary? Ok, here's some food for thought - or, for nightmares. I can't wrap my head around the possibility of researchers making fantasy creatures like unicorns or griffins or trolls become reality, and think I'm going to leave that for God to worry about, but the idea is intriguing. We'd in essence be creating a kind of X-Men type situation - guys with wings or x-ray vision... creepy, really. So initially while listening to the below radio interview, I thought this was silly, simply alarmist mumbo-jumbo, but was surprised by the articles from "reputable" sources even I could find that backed up what they were talking about. I know researchers have been doing stem cell research and DNA tampering for ages (well, for as long as I can remember anyway) and I have seen those pictures of how scientists have grown human ears on the backs of rats and how they have been trying to grow various human organs i...

Photography Tutorial - Things to Try

Stumbled across this video a while back and one of these days, I'm going to actually study it and use the great tips it showcases. I've been chatting with my sister. She has a great camera. I think one day this summer we'll set something up and have a workshop. The video tutorial is a bit long if you're not interested, but it was fascinating to me. And I enjoyed listening to her accent.