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Showing posts from January, 2013

Art Is Life - Life Is Art?

Here's Alex painting the model.  Alex Meade's art installations are great! Instead of painting on canvas, she makes these installations where she paints models and props so that they become the painting. Check out her flicker feed .

Respecting the Skills - Mad Malan Skills!

By Dave Malan - Brilliant Anyway I love looking at Dave's work. The crosshatching looks so amazing! It's like he knows exactly where to put the lines and what direction those lines need to go in. It looks loose and controlled at the same time. I love it! I wish I could draw like this but alas, it's not even close to my own style. I wanna watch him draw and could probably do that all day long for an extended amount of time without blinking - it would be that fascinating.

Inspiration: John Liberto Art

Frog 4 Wacom by John Liberto Found this on the Daily Design Inspiration Page. I like the painterly work, the subject matter and the extra detail he's added. I very much enjoyed this. It makes me want to start painting again.

Sushi - a Haiku and a funny story

The boss showed me a Haiku from a book his daughter was reading called "I Could Pee on This: And Other Poems by Cats" by Francesco Marciuliano called "Sushi". Here it is in all its glory: SUSHI Did you really think That you could hide fish in rice? Oh, the green paste burns! What's so funny about this Haiku (and why I wanna share it) is that I had not been at this job for long when I did something super stupid that you may find amusing. The ministerial staff around here goes to lunch every Monday after their staff meeting. That day they'd gone to a new sushi bar. The office administrator is a meat and potatoes kind of guy. When they got back to the office, everyone was in the front office talking about their lunch experience when one of the secretaries (who apparently watches a lot of food network) said that the hot green wasabi paste is used as a palette cleansing agent. The administrator laughed and said that he'd rather use Oreos and ...