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Showing posts from February, 2019

Photocollage: Services poster

Finished up a fun photo collage poster in photoshop this week. Last week I started the design but even though I liked the copy for it, the overall design I'd started with wasn't working. I ran what I had by our Communication Director. He suggested a kinda rustic background that had some tech gadgets so I went looking. I found many wonderful options on unsplash, but settled on this one by Rawpixel : Then I had to figure out how to make it work in the 4'x3' format I needed for our frame and how to make it more "us" - here's a screenshot of the changes I made. Can't wait to see this one printed. Removed "dream," extended the wood at the top and added some vignetting, added title to the book from another image, and a screen shot to the computer and the phone... And the final image with text