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Showing posts from March, 2011

Stress, Design & a Multi-Tasking Mess

I don't get to hang around too many designers... well, actually, I don't get to hang around any designers, but for those of you who are designers, have you noticed that when you're stressed and pressed for time that you come up with your best (and worst) work? Last week one of the million bosses around work asked if I'd help layout a 30-something page brochure for the centennial celebration. They didn't have everything together at that time, but I said I would help because I knew that they needed it and I want to keep my design muscles moving. I was already prepping for three weeks in advance because my immediate supervisor was getting ready to leave the country at the end of the week so I knew it was going to be stressful. Well, I got a peek at the basic "this is what I want" stuff on Tuesday, but didn't get any real details till Thursday afternoon. I worked as hard and as fast as I could, attempting to keep up with my regular duties and get that ...